Can Dental Crowns In Rocklin Be Used To Fix Cosmetic Dental Problems?

dental crowns in rocklin ca

By Pure Dentistry

Welcome to our blog post on dental crowns! If you’ve been considering cosmetic dental procedures to enhance your smile, then you’re in the right place. Dental crowns have long been used as a versatile solution for both functional and aesthetic issues with teeth. Whether it’s a chipped tooth, discoloration, or even misalignment, dental crowns can work wonders in transforming your smile into something truly beautiful. So let’s dive into the world of dental crowns and discover how they can be used to fix those pesky cosmetic dental problems!

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are custom-made restorations that cover the entire surface of a damaged tooth. They are designed to mimic the shape and color of your natural teeth, providing both structural support and an aesthetically pleasing appearance.

These crowns are typically made from various materials such as porcelain, ceramic, metal alloys, or a combination of these. Each material has its own unique set of advantages and considerations. Porcelain crowns, for example, offer excellent aesthetics as they closely resemble natural teeth in color and translucency. On the other hand, metal alloy crowns may be more durable and suitable for back teeth where strength is crucial.

The process of getting a dental crown involves multiple steps. First, your dentist will assess the condition of your tooth to determine if a crown is necessary. If so, they will prepare the tooth by removing any decayed or damaged areas and reshaping it to accommodate the crown properly.

Next comes impression taking: your dentist will take detailed impressions of your teeth using putty-like materials or digital scanners. These impressions serve as a blueprint for creating a custom-made crown that fits snugly over your prepared tooth.

In some cases where immediate restoration is needed or when extensive damage exists on multiple surfaces of a tooth (such as after root canal therapy), temporary crowns may be placed while you wait for the final one to be fabricated at a dental laboratory.

Once ready, your permanent crown will be cemented onto your prepared tooth with strong dental adhesive. Your dentist will ensure proper fitment and make any necessary adjustments before securely bonding it in place.

With their versatility in addressing cosmetic concerns like chipped or discolored teeth – not to mention their ability to strengthen weakened teeth – dental crowns have become increasingly popular among patients seeking smile transformations without invasive procedures like implants or veneers!

What Are The Different Types Of Dental Crowns?

When it comes to dental crowns, there are actually several different types available. Each type has its own unique features and benefits, allowing dentists to choose the best option for each individual patient.

One common type of dental crown is made from porcelain. Porcelain crowns are known for their natural-looking appearance, as they can be matched to the color of your existing teeth. They are also highly durable and resistant to staining.

Another option is a metal crown, which is typically made from gold or silver alloy. These crowns offer excellent strength and longevity, making them a popular choice for back teeth that endure heavy biting forces.

For those who prefer a more aesthetic look without compromising durability, porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns may be recommended. These crowns have a metal base with an outer layer of porcelain, combining the strength of metal with the natural appearance of porcelain.

In recent years, all-ceramic or all-porcelain crowns have gained popularity due to their superior aesthetics and biocompatibility. They do not contain any metal components and are therefore an ideal choice for patients with metal allergies or sensitivities.

The choice between different types of dental crowns depends on factors such as the location of the tooth being treated, personal preferences regarding aesthetics and durability, and budget considerations. Your dentist will evaluate your specific needs before recommending the most suitable crown material for you.

How Are Dental Crowns Used To Fix Cosmetic Dental Problems?

Dental crowns are not only used to restore the structure and function of damaged teeth, but they can also be a great solution for fixing cosmetic dental problems. Whether you have stained, misshapen, or unevenly spaced teeth, dental crowns can help improve your smile’s appearance.

One way dental crowns fix cosmetic issues is by covering up discolored or stained teeth. If you have tried various whitening treatments without success, a crown can provide a long-lasting solution by concealing the discoloration with a natural-looking porcelain covering.

Another common aesthetic problem that dental crowns address is misshapen or poorly formed teeth. By placing a crown over the affected tooth, it can be reshaped to match the surrounding teeth, resulting in a more harmonious and balanced smile.

Crowns are also effective in closing gaps between teeth. If you have spaces between your front teeth that make you self-conscious when smiling or talking, dental crowns can fill those gaps seamlessly and give you an even and uniform smile.

In addition to these benefits, dental crowns offer durability and strength. Once placed on your tooth, they protect it from further damage while providing an aesthetically pleasing result.

Dental crowns are versatile restorations that not only fix functional problems but also enhance the appearance of your smile. Talk to your dentist today about whether dental crowns are right for addressing your specific cosmetic concerns!


By understanding what dental crowns are and the different types available, you can work with your dentist to choose the best option for your specific needs. With advancements in technology and materials, modern dental crowns not only fix cosmetic issues but also offer durability and functionality and improve oral health. They protect weakened teeth from further damage while improving their appearance. Take the first step towards achieving a radiant smile by scheduling a consultation with a trusted dentist today!